Thursday, February 5, 2009


I should not be trusted with a computer with an internet connection when I have homework to do. I have an assignment due tomorrow which I "started" about an hour and a half ago. (I only have my heading and title completed thus far.) The crazy thing is, I have NO idea what I have been occupying my time with! A little bit of blogging (clearly), a tad bit of Facebook, looking up random artists and facts, corresponding with my email buddies, and complaining about the assignment to fellow students. Logically, procrastination makes no sense. However, I have a theory: If I did not procrastinate, I would have no time to do such web browsing and connecting with friends. When I do not put a project or assignment off to a later date, I spend my time afterward either sleeping, eating, reading or watching movies. Now, not that these aren't wonderful things to do, (obviously they are because I spend my extra time doing them) it's just that if I don't procrastinate, I don't find time for the smaller things as listed above. I don't regard the time I spend procrastinating as 'extra' time, because it is not extra at all. It is cutting into the time I should be spending on homework, projects, etc and then cutting into my so called 'extra' time. So I've now designated my procrastination time to be 'browsing' time, if you will. Therefore, procrastination is healthy when it promotes stretching your brain, connecting with friends, and sometimes relaxing from a stressful day. Although, it is always important to remember that I must finish the project eventually. Speaking of which ...

1 comment:

kylie said...

haha, julie, i love you so much! hehe, i read this while i was using some of my "browsing time."